Asset Transaction Tracking

Assets are a critical component of any business or organization but tracking the transfer of those assets can be one of the most time-consuming tasks of the entire workday. Companies need an accurate view of live and forecasted inventories to meet their commitments. However, most industries face an avalanche of exchange agreements between asset owners and employees, which are spread out along the supply chain across storage, cargo, and transit. Having a track of asset transactions and inventory is complex and is often managed in spreadsheets. Thanks to Anytime Assets, an integrated Asset Management software enables asset owners to transfer or assign components to a specific individual or employee and track the status.


Anytime Assets’ dashboard offers owners to issue specific assets to an employee. The procedure to allocate assets is done in three simple steps:


Step 1:

Asset owner shall log in to the Anytime Asset management software to view the list of all the assets grouped and sorted by their Asset ID and the type of asset (Consumables, Non-consumables, etc.)


Step 2:

Click on the Issue Asset option on the dashboard to transfer assets to an employee and enter the Employee ID to start allotting the assets.


Step 3:

Select all the assets from the drop-down menu available that are to be assigned and click on the Process button to complete the transfer of assets.


Owners can use the Asset ID to view the total number of transactions on a particular asset and its availability. Unlike other asset management software, Anytime Assets offers an End-to-end integrated platform for the whole of asset management workflow – from assigning, transferring, tracking, scheduling, logistics and inventory management. Because of being a single software platform, every transaction detail is recorded by the software and is universally updated throughout the database and avoids manual intervention and the typical data entry tasks on multiple systems.


Anytime Assets also allows data transparency delivered right along the supply workflow also enables users to click on an accounting entry, for example, and drill down into the underlying trade to investigate issues when they arise.


Anytime Assets is an ideal platform for inventory, supply chain logistics, and asset management across all industries. The software can enable owners to be updated with real-time information on Asset and their transaction status. Anytime Assets use secure protocols for data transfer to the cloud, following ISO 27001 data privacy compliance standards. Robust technologies like Barcodes, QR Codes, and RFID tags are used to track the asset transfer status and real-time location, eliminating manual dependency, and avoiding scheduling errors.



Anytime Assets provides you with customized solutions specific to your industry and helps your business grow. With an integrated and secure Cloud-Based environment, the real-time information of all your assets is made available at your fingertips. Anytime Assets can provide you an assets management system that is efficient, intelligent, and secure.  Please contact Anytime Assets for complete details.



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