Anytime Assets’ Asset Calibration dashboard helps our customers track components’ location and status while they are present in the e2b lab for Calibration. Every component sent to our lab is tagged with RFID or QR Code to track the real-time location of the asset. While calibration is due in our Lab, we update the asset information at every milestone as a service to our customers. Unlike conventional calibration services, which seldom provide owners with an update on equipment readiness, e2b calibration services are integrated with the Anytime assets platform for asset owners to visualize real-time updates on the equipment calibration status while the equipment is away from their workshop.
A full asset record is created for each item with Anytime Assets, and the data is visualized in the Assets dashboard. The dashboard consists of the following asset information:
- Asset ID: Each Asset logged on to the software is assigned a unique Asset ID to assist managers in sorting the asset and track with a standard naming convention.
- Last Calibrated Date: Once the equipment is calibrated by e2b, the last calibrated date is updated with the timestamp to help owners know that the equipment is ready for dispatch.
- Calibration due date: Due date denotes the following calibration schedule for an asset. Owners can create custom alarms on the Anytime Asset platform to remind them before the calibration certificate expires.
- Item and Asset Description: Information (Type, Model number, and Brand) of the asset is presented on the dashboard for owners to sort the assets based on the availability and ensures zero downtime loss.
- Asset Status: Depending on the asset’s calibration completion status, it is marked “Active” or “Inactive.” Active status defines that the asset is calibrated and is ready for dispatch. Inactive explains that calibration is still underway.
- Asset Availability: Once the component is calibrated at the Lab, status is marked “Available,” indicating that the calibration is completed. For components dispatched from the lab (after calibration), Availability is marked as “Checked Out,” meaning that that asset is dispatched from our lab.
- Physical location: The software allows owners to identify the asset location using RFID and QR codes. If calibration is underway, the Lab location is displayed on the dashboard. Once calibration is completed, and the equipment is dispatched from the e2b lab, the dashboard updates the physical location. This information is helpful for asset owners to track the location code and determine the lead time for delivery at the warehouse.
- Photographs and Relevant documents: Post calibration, e2b updates the dashboard with the recent pictures, along with calibration certificate and relevant information about the equipment’s “as found” and “as left” readings. Following attachments are added for each component by e2b calibration experts:
- Images: Images of the Calibrated asset are tagged here to validate the calibration
- Attachments: Calibration certificates, maintenance manuals, and checklists are added for each asset. This information can be helpful to perform site inspections and for accurate readings (correction factors mentioned in the calibration certificates)
- History: This provides the transaction history of the asset.
- Assign RFID: Advanced RFID tags can be assigned (optional) to each component to track its real-time location.
For the assets calibrated by e2b calibration, owners can now view the complete historical record and their current condition on the Anytime Assets platform using a secure password. For non-calibrated equipment, any user with permissions can add, edit, or update asset records to set up and add attachments or other information into the system.
For seamless calibration and order tracking services, Anytime Assets is a perfect platform. It can record multiple inward and outward entries and provide real-time calibration status of the equipment. Anytime Assets use secure and updated technologies like Barcodes, QR Codes, and RFID tags to track the location and provide crucial information to managers, eliminating the need to call laboratories to check calibration status. With this information, jobs can be scheduled without bottlenecks.
Anytime Assets provides you with customized solutions specific to your industry and helps your business grow. With an integrated and secure Cloud-Based environment, the real-time information of all your assets is made available at your fingertips. Anytime Assets can provide you an assets management system that is efficient, intelligent, and secure. Please contact Anytime Assets for complete details.
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