The Anytime Assets Management system allows you to manage your assets remotely using advanced RFID and QR Scanning technologies. Combined with the real-time dashboard, owners can now stay updated on the assets’ physical location, transaction status, calibration status, condition of the assets, etc., through the asset management software.
Conventional asset or inventory management tools (Excel, SAP, or other offline asset management systems) demand data entry and computation skills or assistance from IT Staff. With Anytime Assets, users are provided with a simpler user interface automatically updated in real-time using RFID and QR Technologies.
Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to identify people or objects carrying RFID tags. Anytime Assets uses this RFID technology to identify the assets in real-time, geo-locate, or search an asset in a pile or stack of components. As a result of this robust open architecture, Anytime Assets users may utilize their preferred RFID reader or scanner. Anytime Assets also offers readers and scanners that can be used depending on your application’s demands.
Read More about RFID Tracking Here
QR (Quick Response) codes are a matrix barcode (or two-dimensional code) originally intended for the automobile sector in Japan. Instead of manually typing it from a file, Anytime Assets uses QR Code to store asset information such as description, part number, barcode, and serial numbers.
Anytime Assets’ Software lets you monitor the availability and condition of all assets under your purview using RFID and QR technology. Owners can see the status, condition, activity, track transaction status, and get alerts with advanced document storage, reporting features, extensive metrics, customizable fields, and data exportation options. The software is secure and accessible remotely via tiered permissions.
Anytime Assets is, therefore, a package to meet your company’s asset management requirements. The program allows you to chronicle every transaction, from receiving and selling to service and calibration, while keeping track of your business’s assets. It is efficient for a wide range of applications, including inventory control and equipment monitoring in manufacturing plants and supply chain logistics operations.
By lowering labor expenses, increasing production efficiency, and making asset administration easier across your company, it offers a solid return on investment (ROI). It makes it simple for you to pick the best course of action in managing assets by delivering detailed reports based on location, users performing activities, or other data that can be customized to your company’s needs.
Anytime Assets is the leading provider of asset management software. Our real-time tracking, RFID, and remote monitoring solutions are designed to help you maximize your assets and reduce costs. Learn more today!